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Updates & Releases

Stay up-to-date with our new products, fixes, and updates.

FAST approved company

Some Company Profiles have been verified by FAST to let people know that they're authentic. 

If you see a green badge on a Company Profile, it means that FAST confirmed that this is the authentic profile for this freight forwarding company or brand.

Keep in mind that not all companies and brands on FAST have green badges.

Verification steps:

*Certificate of Incorporation verification

*Freight Forwarding Certificate issued by local Chamber of Commerce

*Verification Meeting with "FAST representatives"


Note: It's not possible to purchase either type of verified badge. to request your company verification please contact:

July 12, 2018

V 2.12

Location: Company Profile and Fast Search

Company Profile: You Can Now Mark Your FAST Company profile as Headquarters or Branch

Your may have noticed you can now mark your FAST Company Profile as Headquarters or Branch Company


Here's where to go: Log in to FAST > Settings > Company Profile > Edit Company Profile

July 12, 2018

V 2.12

Location: Company Profile

FAST New Upgrade Page

You can now upgrade your FAST Organisation to a PRO Plan as a service,

Enjoy our On-Demand upgrade and downgrade including all features and a 30-day free trial

Here's where to go: Log in to FAST > Settings > Upgrade

July 12, 2018

V 2.12

Location: Upgrade / Subscription

Professional Network: Invite Your Agents By Excel 

Excel is still widely used across many organisations as a standard tool, often being used as a substitute for small databases. As a consequence, it has become necessary to load Excel data into FAST applications.

You can now invite your Partners and build your professional freight network using an Excel file

Here's where to go: Log in to FAST > My Network Portal > Network Directory > Invite Members by Excel

July 12, 2018

V 2.12

Location: My Network > FAST Search

FAST Search: New Filters Page

There are a number of new features in the FAST Search panel which will make it quicker and easier to find Freight Forwarders and NVOCC as potential partners.

To access the new filter options go to FAST Search, and you see the search and filter options oper on the right side of the screen.


July 12, 2018

V 2.12

Location: My Network > FAST Search

You Can Now Delete Company Users

You can now delete users from your organisation, If you need to get an employee out of FAST Company Profile immediately.


Here's what you do: Log in to FAST > Settings > Company Profile > Team Section > Click On Edit > Select an Organisation user > Edit > Delete

July 12, 2018

V 2.12

Location: Company Profile

FAST PRO: Auto RFQ On Demand

With FAST AUTO RFQ On-Demand, your employees and customers can get shipping rates on-demand and streamline the buying process by automating shipping requirements and generating rate quotes without any human involved.


With our AUTO RFQ On-Demand Your customers will have the ability to get instant shipping rates and schedule & track their shipments transparently, without ever having to leave your website.

Note: You must upload your freight rates to the Buying Agreements Section

July 12, 2018

V 2.12

Location: Company PRO Dashboard

Professional Network: RFQ Email Notifications 

Email notifications to remind you of RFQ and FAST Network Invitations.


Now, whenever an RFQ or Invitation is nearing it’s due date or an opportunity is about to expire, FAST sends an email notification to help you stay in sync with your digital business.

July 12, 2018

V 2.12

Location: Professional Network

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